Sunday, 20 March 2016



Mr. O
      To expand the lines of communication between users Osben Simalango , users, visitors, Osben Simalango are invited to join the group Osben Simalango Indonesian or fan page OSC in:
group open to the public, the discussion is more mild, ranging from introductory to requests (to requests)
open group, but is devoted to more technical discussions. If you do not want to receive notifications that accumulate on technical matters, please join the first group, a fan page that is taken care of by the board. You can nominate their status through the blog and posted this page. Free

  • Who author:  Education / job, experience, and other news .
  • About the blog content
  • How to contact the author
To create a good thing it is necessary ideas of reference samples or similar. Here below are some examples of writing contents About me / us are hopefully helpful:

About: is simple blogging site that contains information about the World and as well as a diverse set of other interesting articles that hopefully provide solutions and beneficial for all of us. into one medium of information, solutions, inspiration for the reader. 
 Always discuss about the spirit of the 
 world Excerpts: To a journey of 10,000 miles begins with one hand.
 Profile: Writer / Admin: Osbensimalango  
Facebook: Osben Simalango  
Twitter: Osben-Simalango  
contak: + 62853-5632-4499

Manusia Hanya Bisa Berencana, dan Tuhan Yang Memutuskan.

"yang kepunyaan-Nya-lah kerajaan langit dan bumi,
dan Dia tidak mempunyai anak, dan tidak ada sekutu
 bagiNya dalam kekuasaan(Nya), dan dia telah
menciptakan segala sesuatu,  Dia menetapkan
ukuran-ukurannya dengan serapi-rapinya"

1 comment:

Osben Simalango said...

Mau Belanja Di WhatsApp Saja Mudah